{ label: "Experiment:" menu: "Proton 1D" "Carbon 1D" "Fluorine 1D" "Phosphorus 1D" "Run proton and carbon 1D spectra" "APT - attached proton test" "Run carbon and apt spectra" "proton and carbon and apt" "DEPT - determine carbon multiplicities" "C13 and dept spectra" "proton and carbon and dept" "Run proton and COSY" "proton carbon correlation (HETCOR)" "Calibrate Proton" "Calibrate Carbon" "Calibrate Fluorine" "Calibrate Phosphorus" menu_value: "h1" "c13" "f19" "p31" "hc" "apt" "capt" "hcapt" "dept" "cdept" "hcdept" "hcosy" "hccorr" "AC1S" "AC5S" "AC10S" "AC11S" output: "$cmd='$menu_value'+'(solvent) glide(\'readdefandshow\',\'$menu_value\') dg'" help: "experiment" } { label: "Solvent:" menu: "CDCl3" "Acetone" "Benzene" "DMSO" "Methanol-d4" "D2O" menu_value: "CDCl3" "acetone" "C6D6" "DMSO" "CD3OD" "D2O" output: "solvent='$menu_value' exec($cmd)" help: "solvent" } { label: "Sample:" choice: "Insert" "Eject" choice_value: "insert" "eject" rtoutput: "$choice_value" help: "Will immediately turn off/on eject air" show: "spinopt = 'y'" } { label: "Save As:" input: menthol cols: "20" help: output: "write('file',curexp+'/eou_saveas','$input')" } { label: "Text:" help: "text field" } { input: cols: "32" rows: "4" help: "text input field" output: "atext('$input')" }